I don't actually need bluetooth at this very moment, what I'm doing is writing a NTAG215 tag emulator that has a couple different slots that can be swapped with the button that also has a backdoor NFC command that allows rewriting the entire "tag".
I might add in bluetooth later so that I can just manage the tag data directly from an app, but I don't even have that implemented in javascript yet.
After looking into inline c, that could potentially be all I need, but I am curious if I could call the NRF.nfcSend() directly from the C code in some way, that would certainly simplify and speed up things in that respect by not having to pass the response data back to the javascript side of things.
it's not that I dislike the javascript environment, it's just not fast enough it seems to process and send the ntag215 response back within the few ms required.
As far as debugging, I have pin headers on my puck and just connect over uart.
here's what I have so far, it does work, but not all devices are very accepting of the timings.
So you don't need bluetooth either? what you do with bytes received over nfc then?
How do you plan to debug it or update after your code hangs due to some bug?
Anyway, you can start with
nrf2832 specs https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/struct_nrf52/struct/nrf52832.html?cp=4_2 and Nordic SDK12 https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v12.3.0/index.html?cp=7_5_9
If you plan to use SWD you can use any other (e.g. latest) SDK