• I am trying to resist such freebies as my pile of interesting junk is quite big already :-)

    BTW now also Telink joined risc-v with their newer TLSR9xxx https://www.telink-semi.com/news/telink-­risc-v-tlsr9/ which is great too. Older 8266,8269,8251 chips are now quite hackable - there is SDK, gcc (for their own TC32 architecture) and also the SWS flashing protocol was figured out. Was checking their BLE developer handbook and the limits can be seen, current SDK can run either as central or peripheral not both, only single connection (for multiple there is separate beta download), there is some info about timing limits or you start losing packets (bt stack runs cooperatively as part of your code) so I see it can be much worse than with Nordic softdevice. And that's Telink with their chips already running in tons of cheap chinese stuff for years.

    Was checking if the thermometer could in theory run Espruino - it has 32KB of SRAM (unlike 16KB TLSR8266) and flash is 512KB but the FW can be only 128KB now. Maybe it is just SW limitation in SDK but maybe it is in HW - it uses 2KB from SRAM as SPI flash XIP code cache and can run dual banked firmware from two locations - remaps addresses from configurable flash offset to same base - so not sure about maximum size this remapping can do.


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