• Here the code - about to be a module -with usage example:

    // SBTouchCtrl.js
    // 2020v1210_ao by allObjects
    // Simple Bangle Touch Controller (module to be)
    // Easy to use bangle touch controler by allObjects.
    // Provides events for left, right, and both touch
    // lifecycle w/ timings incl. on error and recovery. 
    ` ` `
    var l = function() { console.log.apply(console,arguments); };
      , sbtcMod = require("SBTouchCtrl");
      , sbtc; // instance of simple bangle touch controler
    function onInit() {
    sbtc = new SBTouchCtrl(
      // provide callback obj w/ named cbs for some events
      { L:(ts,tt,et)=>l("Left touch for",et,"[sec] at",tt)
      , E:()=>console.log("Error - recovered")
      }).watch(); // activate button touch button watching
    } setTimeout(onInit,999);
    ` ` `
    var SBTouchCtrl=function(cbs) { var _=0||this;
      _.cbs=cbs||{}; // obj w/ callbacks named after touchSignature
        // l: left touch down (touchSign,touchTime,elapsedTime,sbtctl)
        // r: right touch down
        // b: 2nd both touch down
        // p: 1st untouch of both touch
        // e: error in sequncing (no recovery other than untouch all
        // L: untouch of left button and completion of left touch
        // R: untouch of right button and completion of right touch
        // B: untouch of both buttons and completion of both touch
        // E: end of error sequencing - all untouched - ready to cont
      _.tt=0;  // touch time
      _.bt=0;  // both touch time(+/-=L/R)
      _.pt=0;  // both untouch time(+/-=L/R)
      _.ut=0;  // untouch time
      _.et=0;  // elapsed time
      _.st=0;  // signature time
      _.ts=""; // touch signature
      _.sb=0;  // status bits (for error resolution)
      _.s="s"; // status, s (start)
      _.wl=_.wr=_.wL=_.wR=null; // touch button watchers
    } , p=SBTouchCtrl.prototype;
    p.sl=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts=_.s=e;_.tt=t;return _.cbs[e];};
    p.sr=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts=_.s=e;_.tt=t;return _.cbs[e];};
    p.lL=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts=e;_.s="s";_.et=(_.ut=t)-_.tt;return _.cbs[e];};
    p.rR=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts=e;_.s="s";_.et=(_.ut=t)-_.tt;return _.cbs[e];};
    p.lr=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts=_.s="b";_.bt=t-_.tt; return _.cbs.b;};
    p.rl=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts=_.s="b";_.bt=_.tt-t; return _.cbs.b;};
    p.bL=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts="p";_.pt=t-_.tt; return _.cbs.p;};
    p.bR=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts="p";_.pt=_.tt-t; return _.cbs.p;};
    p.bLR=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts="B";_.s="s";_.et=(_.ut=t)-_.tt;return _.cbs.B;};
    p.bRL=(_,t,e)=>{_.ts="B";_.s="s";_.et=(_.ut=t)-_.tt;return _.cbs.B;};
    p.ign=(_,t,e,c,b)=>{ // p - s ignore from 1st err: evt already in _.s
      if ((c=((s=_.s).charAt(0)))=="b") { // 1st time here switch to e(rr)
        _.sb=3; _.ts=c="e"; _.s=c+s; } else {
        if ((_.sb=(_.sb^("RL".indexOf(e)+1))||("rl".indexOf(e)+1))) {
          _.ts="e"; _.s="e.."+e; } else { _.ts="E"; _.s="s"; } }
      return _.cbs[c]; };
    p.ns=(_,e,b,f,t,cb)=>{ // dispatcher to state transitioners
      if ((cb=((f=_[_.s+=e])?f:_.ign).apply(_,[_,_.st=t=getTime(),e,b]))
      )cb(_.ts,t,_.et,_);}; // touchSignCharlrbpeLRBE,time,elapsed,BTouch
    p.el=function(){this.ns(this,"l");}; // l touch event handler
    p.er=function(){this.ns(this,"r");}; // r ...
    p.eL=function(){this.ns(this,"L");}; // L untouch event handler
    p.eR=function(){this.ns(this,"R");}; // R ..
    p.watch=function(){var _=0||this,o;_.unwatch();// set watch on t btns
      return _; };
    p.unwatch=function() { var _=0||this,o; // clear watches touch btns
      if(_.wl)_.wl=clearWatch(_.wl); if(_.wr)_.wr=clearWatch(_.wr);
      if(_.wL)_.wL=clearWatch(_.Wr); if(_.wR)_.wR=clearWatch(_.wR);
      return _; };
    // exports=SBTouchCtrl; // ---------- end of SBTouchCtrl module
    // slim logging function
    var l = function(){console.log.apply(console,arguments); };
    // var SBTouchCtrl = require("SBTouchCtrl");
    var sbtc; // instance of simple bangle touch controler
    function onInit() {
    sbtc = new SBTouchCtrl(
      // provide callback obj w/ named cbs for some events
      { L:(ts,tt,et)=>l("Left touch for",et,"[sec] at",tt)
      , R:(ts,tt,et)=>l("Right touch for",et,"[sec]")
      , B:(ts,tt,et,ctl)=>{ var d=new Date(tt*1000); l(ts // touch sign
          ,"Both w/ details abt 2nd btn touch and 1st btn untouch"
          ,"\nat" ,d.getHours()+":"+d.getMinutes()+":"+d.getSeconds()
          ,"\nfor",et // elapsed in [s] from 1st touch to last untouch
          ,"\n2nd touch after 1st t",ctl.bt // +/- R/L[s] touched appart
          ,"\n1st untouch aft 1st t",ctl.pt // +/- R/L[s] before elapsed
          ,"\n2nd untouch aft 1st u",et-ctl.pt // +/- R/L[s]unt'd appart
          ,"\n2nd untouch aft 1st t",et,"=elapsed");} // +/- R/L[s]unt'd
      , e:(ts,tt,et,ctl)=>console.log("err",ts,ctl.sb)
      , E:()=>console.log("Error - recovered")
      }).watch(); // activate button touch button watching

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