• Updated CGauge prototype/'class' which shows begin-tick, end-tick and - if defined - 0-tick. Code in post #13 is left alone to preserve line numbers used in text of past posts.

    Temporary, updated code also included the option to draw only the value-arg... but it became pretty quickly complicated to render cleanly. Choosing the (black) background color for the fill color yields the same look, just less efficiently ... :<

    Screenshots attached.

    This will it be for a while... the filling can wait...

    // cgauge.js - circular gauge
    // allObjects - forum.espruiono.com
    // 2020-11-27
    // left/top = x/y = 0/0
    // Circular Gauge cg0:
    // - visual: 270 degree clock-wise gauge starting mid left bottom quadrant
    // - graphics: ...starting mid 2nd quadrant ending mid 1st quadrant
    // - showing values from 0..300 clockwise with initial value of 100
    var cg0
      , cg1,cg1c,cg1f,cg1t,cg1h
      , cg2,cg2c,cg2f,cg2t,cg2h
      , cg3,cg3c,cg3f,cg3t,cg3h
      , cg4
      , b1w,b2w,b3w
    function run() {
      cg0=new CGauge("cg0",0,0,300,[0,1,0],[1  ,0  ,0  ],135,270,null,120,140,100,96);
      cg1=new CGauge("cg1",0,0, 30,[1,1,0],[0  ,1  ,1  ],180,180,null, 80,212, 16,13);
      cg2=new CGauge("cg2",0,0, 60,[1,1,1],[0.5,0.5,0.5], 90,360,null,120,180, 22, 1);
      cg3=new CGauge("cg3",0,0, 30,[1,0,1],[0  ,0  ,1  ],180,180,null,160,212, 16, 0);
      cg4=new CGauge("cg4",0,0, 40,[1,0,1],[0.6,0.6,0.6],120,-60,null,120,  8, 70,64);
      cg1.setVal( 20,-1);
      cg3.setVal( 15,-1);
      cg4.setVal( 10,-1);
      cg1c=2; cg1f=function(){ if (!cg1.setVal(cg1.val+cg1c)) cg1c=-cg1c; };
      cg2c=1; cg2f=function(){ if (!cg2.setVal(cg2.val+cg2c)) cg2c=-cg2c; };
      cg3c=5; cg3f=function(){ if (!cg3.setVal(cg3.val+cg3c)) cg3c=-cg3c; };
      if (!b1w) b1w=setWatch(cg1f,BTN1,{edge:"rising",repeat:true});
      if (!b2w) b2w=setWatch(cg2f,BTN2,{edge:"rising",repeat:true});
      if (!b3w) b3w=setWatch(cg3f,BTN3,{edge:"rising",repeat:true});
    function cont() {
    function halt() {
      if (cg1h) cg1h=clearInterval(cg1h);
      if (cg2h) cg2h=clearInterval(cg2h);
      if (cg3h) cg3h=clearInterval(cg3h);
    function drawAll() { 
      g.clear(); setTimeout(function() {
          cg0.draw(1); cg1.draw(1); cg2.draw(1); cg3.draw(1); cg4.draw(1); }
        , 1000); }
    var p; // temp for prototype references
    function CGauge(id,val,minV,maxV,color,fColor,begDeg,degs,deg0,x,y,rOuter,rInner) {
      var _=0||this;
      _.mxXY=239;    // x, y max graph coord - defaults for BangleJS Graphics
      _.pps=2;       // 'pixel per segment'/jaggedness/graphical precision/resolution
      _.tikL=6;      // tick-length (set to 0 post construction for no ticks drawing)
      _.id=id;       // id of the circular gauge
      _.val=null;    // temporary, set at end of construction
      _.minV=minV;   // minimum value (arc all in fColor)
      _.maxV=maxV;   // maximum value (arc all in color)
      _.clr=color;   // color - as required by Graphics - for the value arc
      _.fClr=fColor; // color - as required by Graphics - for to complete the arc
      _.begD=begDeg; // 0 degrees: +x-Axis
      _.degs=degs;   // gauge full arc in degrees -/+ = counter/clockwise
      _.deg0=(deg0)?deg0:begDeg; // for 0/center value mark; falsy defaults to begDeg
      _.x=x;         // center x
      _.y=y;         // center y
      _.rOut=rOuter; // radius outer
      _.rIn=rInner;  // radius inner (optional)
      _.begR=_.rad(_.begD);                              // begin radian
      _.arcR=(_.degs==360)?Math.PI*2:_.rad(_.degs);      // arc rad used for sCnt only
      _.segR=(Math.PI/(4/_.pps)/_.rOut)*((degs>0)?1:-1); // segment radian
      _.sCnt=Math.round(Math.abs(_.arcR/_.segR));        // segment count in arc
      _.cUp=[];                                          // clean up vertices 
      _.setVal(val,-1); // set value only
    } p=CGauge.prototype;
    p.setVal=function(v,opt) { // --- set min/max adj'd val, draw != && opt=0 || opt>0; 
      var chd = (v=(v<this.minV)?this.minV:(v>this.maxV)?this.maxV:v)!=this.val; // ret
      if (opt<0) { this.val=v; // update value only, NO drawing
      } else if (v!=this.val||opt>0) { this.val=v; this.draw(opt); }
      return chd; };
    p.draw=function(o) { // --- draw circular gauge (o-pt w/ extras, such as 0-tick)
      var s=this.sCnt,v=Math.round(s/(this.maxV-this.minV)*this.val),h=!!this.rIn,vs;
      if (o) { if (this.tikL) this.drawTicks(h); } // console.log(this.id,this.val,v,s,this.cUp);
      g.setColor(0,0,0); while (this.cUp.length) g.drawLine.apply(g,this.cUp.pop());
      if (v<s) g.setColor.apply(g,this.fClr).drawPoly(this._pvs(v,s,0),h);
      g.setColor.apply(g,this.clr).drawPoly(vs,h); };
    p.drawTicks=function(h) { // --- draw ticks, begin and end and 0-tick
      var x=this.x,y=this.y,rTO=(h)?this.rIn:this.rOut,rTI=rTO-this.tikL,bR=this.begR
        , eR=bR+this.sCnt*this.segR,rTS=((rTI<0)?0:rTI)/rTO; // console.log(this.id,rTO,rTI,rTS);
      if (this.deg0!=this.begD) this.drawTick(x,y,rTO,rTS,bR,this.clr); };
    p.drawTick=function(x,y,t,s,r,c) { // --- draw tick;
      var vX=t*Math.cos(r),vY=t*Math.sin(r); g.setColor.apply(g,c); g.drawLine(
        Math.round(x+vX),Math.round(y+vY),Math.round(x+vX*s),Math.round(y+vY*s)); };
    p._pvs=function(f,t,c) { // --- calc polygon vertices from..to
      var x=this.x, y=this.y, rO=this.rOut, rI=this.rIn, bR=this.begR, sR=this.segR
        , l=(t-f+1)*2*((rI)?2:1) // len of array for vertices (double w/ inner radius
        , v=((this.mxXY<=355) ? new Uint8Array(l) : new Uint16Array(l)) // vertices array
        , s=f-1  // segment index 
        , i=-1,j // vertices array index (running and 'turn around'/last outer)
        , r      // radian
        ; // console.log(x,y,rO,rI,bR,sR,f,t,s,i);
      while(++s<=t) { r=bR+s*sR;
        v[++i]=Math.round(y+rO*Math.sin(r)); } // console.log(this.id,s,r,v[i-1],v[i]); }
      if (rI) { j=i;
        while (--s>=f) { r=bR+s*sR;
          v[++i]=Math.round(y+rI*Math.sin(r)); }
      } // console.log(this.id,c,j,v.slice(0,4),this.cUp); }
      return v; };
    p.rad=function(degrs) { return 2*Math.PI*(degrs%360)/360; }; // radian <-- degrees
    // p.v=function(x,y,r,rO,ri) { // <--- vertice
    //  return [
    function r() { run(); }
    function h() { halt(); }
    function c() { cont(); }

    1 Attachment

    • CGaugesWithTicks.png

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