Aww okay, yes so i would want it to periodically send data to my server... I feel so lost... Okay, so I am running an express server on my computer localhost:3000... I cant figure out how to fetch the data off the esp8266 or like you said, have the esp8266 send the data to my server... I know it is probably so simple to do but I cant put 2 and 2 together for some reason.. I was using a third party library Axios to try to make a call to the esp but can't get that to work. .. Am I on the right path at least? Thanks
It depends on how you want to set it up.
You mentioned that you want to "send data" from the esp, so that means the esp would be a client that would periodically send data to your server. Alternatively you can "ask for data" from the esp, in which case the esp would be a server waiting for a request from a client.
Do you have a drawing or an image of how you're thinking of setting things up?