• I'm trying to create and advertise a BLE service that I can read and write binary data to, but I can't seem to get the service to actually present itself to a connected device, it does advertise however...

    This is the code I've been trying to get working without any success...

    var test = "No data";
      "78290001-d52e-473f-a9f4-f03da7c67dd1": {
        "78290002-d52e-473f-a9f4-f03da7c67dd1": {
          value : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,],
          maxLen: 8,
          readable : true,
          writable : true,
          notify: true,
          indicate: true,
          onWrite : function(evt) {
            test = evt;
    }, { uart : false, advertise: ["78290002-d52e-473f-a9f4-f03da7c67dd1"] });
    setWatch(function() {
      NRF.setServices({ }, { uart : true });
    }, BTN, { repeat: false, edge:"rising", debounce:50 });

    My end goal is to have a service that I can write to and then respond back to the device writing the data, I think I could do this by updating the value in the onWrite callback?

    I've been testing with the NRC Connect app and I have the newest firmware on the puck
