• Hi,

    I'm trying to write a simple LED animation for a 7-segment display. It will light up a segment, then another one, then another one, until all are lit up, then dim a segment, then dim another one, etc. The code is (supposed to be) very simple. For reference, I'm using an MDBT42Q module with a 32khz crystal added on P0 and P1 with 22pf caps. I don't think it should affect my code.

    var segs = [A, B, C, D, E, F]; // array of LED segments, each a variable for a pin
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
        digitalWrite(segs[i], 1); // light up the first segment in segs[]
        digitalPulse(D30, 0, 100); // pulse unused pin for 100ms, this is just a simple delay
    for (int x=5; x>=0; x--) {
        digitalWrite(segs[i], 0);
        digitalPulse(D30, 0, 100);

    and well, the code works as if the digitalPulse()es aren't even there. Everything happens very quickly so the LEDs just light up and off in a fraction of a second. I honestly have no idea why this isn't working as the other digitalPulses in the rest my code work just fine. I have other LED animations that use digitalPulse() in my code and those animations have no problem.

    So I tried using setTimeout(). I believe it's like so, but I might be wrong:

      for (var i = 0; i<6; i++) {
        setTimeout('digitalWrite(segs[i], 0)', 100);
      for (var x = 5; x>=0; x--) {
        setTimeout('digitalWrite(segs[x], 1)', 100);

    this one doesn't work either. So I tried another method:

    digitalWrite(A, 1);
    digitalPulse(D3, 0, 100);
    digitalWrite(B, 1);
    digitalPlulse(D3, 0, 100);
    digitalWrite(C, 1);
    digitalPulse(D3, 0, 100);

    And same results.
    This has been driving me absolutely bonkers for the past few hours so any help would be greatly appreciated!
