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@allObjects I guess this information is completely sufficient. Thanks a lot.
@allObjects I guess this information is completely sufficient. Thanks a lot.
EDIT 2020.0719-1559
List of ICs
counter clock wise starting with nrf52932 (name/id details may slightly vary between individual watches / production batches):
nrf52832 pins and purpose
counter clock wise starting Left top in shot with pin 1, then Bottom, Right, Top, with GPIO (in/out) and usage (from bangle board .py file and inspecting watch / non-destructive tear-down):
uD831 IO Expander / Portexpander
The way it is wired up it looks like a NPX (ex Philips) PCAL6408A: Low-voltage translating, 8-bit I²C-bus/SMBus I/O expander. neg_INT pin as well as port P1..P4 pins 3..5 and 7 seem not to be connected and configuration / initialization state is 'Power-Up default' / reset default.
Address of IO Expander / Portexpander on I2S bus is 0x20- A(ddress) pin 16 input line grounded.
PortsBits (and pins) of IO Expander / Portexpander purpose and mask (according to wiring, bangle board .py file and .c code file ):
Espruino Bangle.ioWr(<portMask>,<onOffInversedBoolean>):
turns display back light on (when display is on)-
Bangle.ioWr(0x20,true )
turns display back light off (when display is on)-
turns heart rate monitor LED on-
Bangle.ioWr(0x80,true )
turns heart rate monitor LED off