This initialisation code seems to work - it turns the backlight on, charges the battery etc. Needs to be put into a module when time permits. You can get the battery voltage and current using batV and batA:
function init(){
function Write1Byte(a,d) { I2C1.writeTo(0x34,a,d);}
// Set LDO2 & LDO3(TFT_LED & TFT) 3.0V
Write1Byte(0x28, 0xcc);
// Set ADC to All Enable
Write1Byte(0x82, 0xff);
// Bat charge voltage to 4.2, Current 100MA
Write1Byte(0x33, 0xc0);
// Enable Bat,ACIN,VBUS,APS adc
Write1Byte(0x82, 0xff);
// Enable Ext, LDO3, DCDC1
// Close DCDC2 output
// with out LD02 LCD light it is 0x49
Write1Byte(0x12, 0x4D);
// 128ms power on, 4s power off
Write1Byte(0x36, 0x0C);
// Set RTC voltage to 3.3V
Write1Byte(0x91, 0xF0);
// Set GPIO0 to LDO
Write1Byte(0x90, 0x02);
// Disable vbus hold limit
Write1Byte(0x30, 0x80);
// Set temperature protection
Write1Byte(0x39, 0xfc);
// Enable RTC BAT charge
Write1Byte(0x35, 0xa2);
// Enable bat detection
Write1Byte(0x32, 0x46);
function batV() {
var d = I2C1.readFrom(0x34,2);
var v = d[0]*16+d[1];
const ADCLSB = 1.1 / 1000.0;
return v * ADCLSB;
function batA() {
function read13(a){
var d = I2C1.readFrom(0x34,2);
return d[0]*32+d[1];
// current in - current out (ma);
return ( read13(0x7A)-read13(0x7C))/2;
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
This initialisation code seems to work - it turns the backlight on, charges the battery etc. Needs to be put into a module when time permits. You can get the battery voltage and current using