So i've read the docs and I do indeed have console logs in my code, so my plan is to remove those, but I've somehow hit another issue. When I try to send code to my board i'm getting the following error.
New interpreter error: FIFO_FULL
Connection error: No 'ready' after AT+RST
This is odd as it has been working from the web IDE just fine recently. Here's the source. I have a raspberry pi4 running nodered which reads sensors around the house, some of these send data via MQTT which i'm picking up with the Espruino Wifi.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
So i've read the docs and I do indeed have console logs in my code, so my plan is to remove those, but I've somehow hit another issue. When I try to send code to my board i'm getting the following error.
This is odd as it has been working from the web IDE just fine recently. Here's the source. I have a raspberry pi4 running nodered which reads sensors around the house, some of these send data via MQTT which i'm picking up with the Espruino Wifi.