Yep, that's right :) Another option is to go for a half-res image
(120x120) and then use a higher bit depth...So can I find that somewhere in the documentation? Which resolution works with how many colors? Or is this something that can be calculated?
Would it be better to use multiple buffers for different areas on the screen or is this not advisable?
You can calculate the amount of ram a buffer will take up as width*height*bpp/8.
A 240x192 2bpp buffer takes up 11952 bytes, or about 12kb. If you halve the size to 120x96 you can fit quadruple the bit depth (8bpp) in the exact same amount of space.
Using multiple buffers should work fine - I was actually just experimenting with that the other night.
Yep, that's right :) Another option is to go for a half-res image (120x120) and then use a higher bit depth...