• Looking for guidance on how to generate the binaries/zip files with certain libraries added or removed, i.e if I wanted to remove the net library from MDBT42Q . I've seen it mentioned in this forum and that it should be relatively straight forward but couldn’t find any tutorial (n.b i’ve looked at the build example) Hopefully this thread will act as a guidance for others. Outlined stops i’ve following below with current errors / queries.

    1. Download / Clone the Espruino Repository.
      2.Navigate to the directory
    2. Under Espruino/boards edit the relevant board *.py
    3. Under Espruino directory setup build dependencies. Run source scripts/provision.sh BOARD (e.g. source scripts/provision.sh MDBT42Q)
      5.make clean && BOARD=MDBT42Q RELEASE=1 make

    Having an issue with this step, getting following error
    Espruino/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc: cannot execute binary file
    Espruino/targetlibs/nrf5x_12/components/toolchain/gcc/gcc_startup_nrf52.o] Error 126

    Finally if build was successfulm where relevant binaries or zip file for DFU be?


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