• OK
    let see if I understand it correct I will try to expalin even more:
    1 .I'm using Desktop computer with windows7, no bluetooth.
    I'm connecting to the device using serial connection - working without any problem. I can see :"Found MDBT42Q,2v04"
    I can also send in the terminal
    and I get 3
    so this mean everything is OK,right?
    2 .I mange to upload a simple blink led code I press the "up arrow" , and also wrote on the terminal "save()". - now after power reboot the device is running my new code.
    up until here - I guess I did good , and understand how to use the web IDE.

    what I want to do is :
    write\flash a code so the devcie will publish my own data as BLE
    for example : "Hello to all
    connect to david.com to get free gift":

    • david.com will be a link
    • I assume the remote device will be with internet connection.

    now I have some questions:

    1. can I do this using this device?
    2. is there an example code for this? or something to begin with ?
    3. is there any way to know who is connect to my website using the BLE "advertisement"?
      so I can "save" the mac address ?
    4. can I change the text over the internet? i guess I will have to uplaod the all code again ?
      I understand that for 3-4 I need internet connection and a device that can connect to it using serial (?) , like PI
      and I need to know the pi IP and everything . this is not a problem.
      but for the first stage to show my project work I need to make a POC of 1&2.
      after it I will add in the main code all kind of functions like"
      "Send MAC to MyServer using UDP"
      "Save Log to PI"

    hope now my project is more understanble and you can help me continue working on it ,

    Thanks ,

  • Thr 2020.04.16

    re: steps 1 and 2

    'I guess I did good , and understand how to use the web IDE'

    Success @David1234321 !!

    post #7 'what I want to do is :    . . .   so the devcie will publish my own data as BLE'

    I was with you up until that statement. I'm not sure if this is a technology misundetanding, or a language misunderstanding.

    post #4 'get all kind of stat about people how see my BLE?'
    post #4 'maybe I didn't understand the using of the BLE'

    Regarding post #7 "data as BLE" and post #4 "see my BLE" and "using of the BLE"

    I would have expected something like post #7 "my own data using BLE" instead. BLE B_luetooth L_ow E_nergy is a technology not a web server, as the choice of words leads me to believe there lies the misunderstanding.

    The simple post #3 load the web page and click a button is the easiest demo to show how a web page communicates with the MDBT42Q. What is the result of clicking on that 'Try Me' button? Load the page using a BLE equipped phone, should the PC not support BT.

    With that response, we'll be able to answer the questions in #7 post.

    B.T.W. are we using the breakout board as I inquired back in post #6?
