I used MQTT module, when I didn't access board by IDE, just open the power, MQTT failed, datas couldn't send to server, but the board do get ip and access into network fine. Then I accessed into IDE, showed log like this. When I always accessed IDE, it's okay all the time.
New interpreter error: FIFO_FULL
What's this means? How to avoid this error without IDE?
My codes
E.on('init', function () {
setTimeout(() => {
eth = WIZnet.connect(SPI2, B12);
setTimeout(() => {
mqtt = mqttLib.connect({
host: serip,
username: "admin",
password: "admin",
client_id: "33333333333"
mqtt.on('connected', function () {
console.log("connect to mqtt success");
}, 8 * 1000);
function rhb() {
console.log("enter a heartbeat runner......");
let hber = setInterval(() => {
if (mqtt) {
mqtt.publish(hbTopic, JSON.stringify({
sn: "22222222222"
}, 1000);
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I ran codes in STM32F4DISCOVERY board.
I used MQTT module, when I didn't access board by IDE, just open the power, MQTT failed, datas couldn't send to server, but the board do get ip and access into network fine. Then I accessed into IDE, showed log like this. When I always accessed IDE, it's okay all the time.
What's this means? How to avoid this error without IDE?
My codes