The neopixel module for ESP8266 does a dry-run/pre-roll without emitting any pulses. That dry run is necessary to load the machine code from flash into RAM. Without this dry run the timing of the pules representing the first byte won't have proper timing. It might be the same issue in this case. Reference files:
jswrap_neopixel.c, line 220...
jswrap_io.c, line 201...
There is no dry-run for ESP8266 in jswrap_io.c, so I would assume it is the same issue. That code is not capable of producing very short pulses accurately in the first run.
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The neopixel module for ESP8266 does a dry-run/pre-roll without emitting any pulses. That dry run is necessary to load the machine code from flash into RAM. Without this dry run the timing of the pules representing the first byte won't have proper timing. It might be the same issue in this case. Reference files:
jswrap_neopixel.c, line 220...
jswrap_io.c, line 201...
There is no dry-run for ESP8266 in jswrap_io.c, so I would assume it is the same issue. That code is not capable of producing very short pulses accurately in the first run.