Mon 2020.02.03
'not sure what to search for to learn how to resolve it'
to learn
Asking here was a good choice to start the learning process
Asking there will be the choice to resolve
W3Schools has always been a good place to start:Google: array javascript
Array String Indexershttp://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/JavaScript/0220__Array/Usestringasthearrayindexer.htm
I restructured my data in "days" a few times and lost understanding of what I was dealing with. I thought that it was an object as I couldn't reference its contents with an index e.g
Firefox console says:
TypeError: days[2] is undefined
If it's an array after all, then I'll do some more reading about arrays. Thanks
I've stumbled across a problem that I can't get my head around and am not sure what to search for to learn how to resolve it. Can anyone help name a technique or method which I can read up on?
I'm trying to access a propety of an object which changes depending on the output of a function. This is a simplified example:
Espruino says:
Do I need to get today to return a string instead? Any help would be much appreciated.
This is a situation where I don't know enough to help myself :)