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  • Hi everyone,
    I would like to create a bluetooth notification system,
    by serial connection of an Espruino WiFi (connected to the internet) to an MDBT42Q.

    When I unplug them from the Web IDE console and power them on batteries (charged)
    MDBT42Q gives me no feedback ...

    I think there is a problem with serial communication,
    I have tested them separately and have never given me hardware / software problems

    Could you help me understand where I'm wrong?

    // Espruino WiFi
    // Web IDE > reset(true);
    Serial1.setup(9600, {rx: B7, tx: B6});
    var WIFI_NAME = "NAME";
    var WIFI_OPTIONS = {password : "PASSWORD"};
    var wifi;
    function getString() {
      require("http").get("­uk/hello.txt", function(res) {
        var doc = "";
        res.on('data', function(d) { 
          doc += d;
        }); // data
        res.on('close', function(d) {
          doc = doc.substring(0, 5); // Hello
        }); // close
      }); // get
    function onInit() {
      wifi = require("Wifi");
      wifi.connect(WIFI_NAME, WIFI_OPTIONS, function(err) {
          if (err) throw err;
          setInterval(getString, 30000);
    // Web IDE > save();
    // Web IDE > disconnect
    // Connected to battery
    // MDBT42Q
    // Web IDE > reset(true);
    global.LED2 = D2;
    function updateBT(wifi) {
       var data = E.toString(wifi);
       data = data.toLowerCase();  // hello
       if(data == "hello"){
          NRF.setAdvertising({}, {
             name: "TEST",
             manufacturer: 0x590,
             manufacturerData: data,
             showName: true
    function onInit() {
       var cmd = "";
       Serial1.setup(9600, {rx: D8, tx: D6});
       Serial1.on('data', function (wifi) {
          cmd += wifi;
          var idx = cmd.indexOf("\r");
          while (idx >= 0) {
             var line = cmd.substr(0, idx);
             cmd = cmd.substr(idx + 1);
             setInterval(updateBT, 15000, line);
             idx = cmd.indexOf("\r");
    // Web IDE > save();
    // Web IDE > disconnect
    // Connected to battery
    // Espruino WiFi > LED green (Hello)
    // MDBT42Q > ???

    1 Attachment

    • espruino.jpg

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