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  • Is there a reason you put save() at the end of the code you uploaded to flash?

    Since it's already in flash, there's no need to save - so what you're doing is loading the code into RAM, then saving an image of RAM into flash, then loading that - which will probably

    Am I the only one having such an issue with this shortcut?

    It works fine for me. Maybe you could try debugging it yourself a bit? Open Devtools in Chrome, open the 'index.js' file, search for the text Key shortcuts for IDE and immediately under that add a breakpoint in the window.addEventListener("keydown",functi­on(e) { callback and see what's happening?

  • Is there a reason you put save() at the end of the code you uploaded to flash?

    Well, I didn't really think about it, but it is normal code that I would use to paste into the editor and then upload without having to type save() manually after the upload.

    Not sure if maybe you could automatically replace/delete the save commands on pushing to RAM.


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