• It is very sad that I spent so much time studying the documentation and writing other espruino libraries for my personal project (smart home system), and now I have to abandon the use of espruino at all because I see no reason to continue without this part ((. Your modules are very expensive, that is, almost comparable in price to raspberry pi which has much wider possibilities.I understand that you do not want to support other modules for free, and I do not blame you, but it is advisable to immediately inform people about this fact so as not to waste not your time on me or other people. I thank you anyway for your help. Thank you.

  • 'now I have to abandon the use of espruino at all because I see no reason to continue without this part'

    and what is the justification for the above statement @user107037? You have successfully flashed a non-supported device, and there hasn't been an indication that Espruino is not running on that, so I'm bewildered by the #11 post.

    As none of the questions to assist others in helping out here were answered last pp in #10 post, I can only surmise there is a mis-understanding of how the device you have actually works. To confirm, Espruino is running on that device correct? . . . and all the suggestions from #10 post were exhaustively tested to view usage visibly? (doubt it)

    IMO it is also the Holiday season, and most are spending time with their families. I reached out as I was checking on a post of my own, when this thread showed up. I feel I've gone out of my way assisting with a non supported board, there just hasn't been a response from others that might chose to support an 8266. As the indication is that 'so much time has been spent' then I'm sure you realize the advantages of Espruino Javascript speed to development success and debug ease, in comparrison with other micros. Be a shame to abandon all that effort as the successful use of the current device hasn't been discovered yet.

    'and writing other espruino libraries for my personal project (smart home system)'

    Again, as code for libraries has been developed, this means full immersion into the workings of the speed and efficiency of Espruino development has been acquired. It seems the issue is with the understanding of how IR tansmissions using modulation is where the understanding effort should be made. Nothing to do with Espruino or the Javascript language as I see it.

    ' but it is advisable to immediately inform people about this fact'

    Done in detail on the web site in several places, here is the first I uncovered:


    First sentence

    'These are other boards that Espruino compiles for, but which aren't 'officially supported'. This means:'

    Bullet #7

    'We're not able to support you if you have problems using these boards. If you want support, get an official board'

    This is the opportunity cost of 'Open Source'.

    In this case the entire work of others was acquired for free, put in use for a project with unrelated hardware that benefits yourself, and now the expectation is that support should be provided when no contribution is made to the Espruino community? That is akin to test driving a car, not purchasing it, then demanding transportation of that owner somewhere because the vehicle you have invested time and money in, isn't working as needed. There ain't no free lunch!


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