• ...what about this... watch attached .mp4 clip.

    Adjust things to your likings. Notice that below eample was running in emulator when clip was taken. Real behavior can only be seen on real device...

    Since I jhave only 16 circle segments, I chose to fill closed polys of 3 points: center, seg begin and seg end on circumference.

    // baoRotator.js - by allObjects
    // uses vertices to define circle shape and rotation angle per step
    // declaration of globals
    var vst  // vertices templates, incl. scaling information
      , dIId1 // draw interval id 1 and 2 for clockwise red/blue...
      , dIId2 // ...and counter clockwise yellow/green rotators
      , startStopBtn = BTN2 // to start/stop (go/hlt) rotation
    // prep template vertices to be based of left/top of bounding box
    function iniGls() { // pairs fo x/y coordinates followed by scale
      vst = [98,20,83,56,56,83,20,98,-20,98,-56,83,-83,56,-98,20
            ].map((v)=>100+v); vst.push(100); } // prep template ver
    // get work vertices for particular origin and radious
    function vs(
         t // template vertices array w/ scale as last item
        ,o // origin left/top of bounding box
        ,r // radius
        ) { var l=t.length-1,s=r/t[l]
              , w=t.map((v,i)=>Math.round(o[i&1]+s*v));
      w[l]=w[0]; w.push(w[1]); // to make go around simpler
      return w; }
    // draw rotator (c-w) - two halfs of a circle w/ different
    // color rotating; center of circle w/ radius of r is...
    function draw( // ...at [x=o[0]+r,y=o(1]+r];
         vt   // vertices template
        ,o   // origin (left/top) [x,y] of rotator's bounding box
        ,r   // radius of rotator (circle)
        ,rpm // revolutions per minute
        ,c1  // color one
        ,c2  // color two
        ,c   // (optional) counter clock wise
        ) {
      var v = vs(vt,o,r) // calc directly usable vertices
        , x = o[0]+r, y = o[1]+r // origins in pixels
        , s = (v.length-2) // double the number of circle segments
        , t = 60000/(s/2)/rpm // interval in ms for each segment
        , i = 0, j = Math.round(s/2) // circumf running vars
        , d = function() { // draw segments / wedges
            i=(i<s)?i:0; j=(j<s)?j:0; } // handle going around
        , k = s+2, m; if (c) { // xform vertkces for counter clock
      while (--k>=0){m=v[k];v[k]=v[--k],v[k]=m;} v=v.reverse();}
      return setInterval(d,t); }
    function go() { // go
      hlt(); // note the radious is scaled by 100 (eff rad: 15px)
      dIId1 = draw(vst,[10,10],18,20,"#0000FF","#FF0000");
      dIId2 = draw(vst,[50,22], 6,60,"#FFFF00","#00FF00",1); }
    function hlt() { // halt
      if (dIId1) dIId1 = clearInterval(dIId1);
      if (dIId2) dIId2 = clearInterval(dIId2); }
    function onInit() {
      go(); // BTN2 starts/stops
      setWatch(function(){ if (dIId1||dIId2) hlt(); else go();
        },startStopBtn,{repeat:true, edge:"rising"});
    setTimeout(onInit,999); // for dev'g, remove before upload for save()

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