• Glad you like Espruino as SW and also committed to the HW... otherwise the SW part would cease to exist... or just sink into the big bit bucket as many open source do... (and so do many proprietary SWs: they become open source so the dying away users can still maintain the code until they die themselves... and the sw can finally die together with them as well - hope I got the d-i/y right as a non-English language native).

    ...wild goose - more seasonal: turkey - chase: most likely the log buffer has filled up and log output does not know where to go else (if disconnected...?). Therefore comment console.log(...); (or use the other method(s) of 'routing the console into the void').

    If you hit disconnects for what ever reason, add ....on("...",function() { ... } to reconnect, but I assume the callback processing the data just dies 'silently'.

    Btw 1, do not understand the .bind(this) in line 24.

    Btw 2, you can put your WLAN credentials into a module and keep it locally in your Espruino Web IDE sandbox ./modules folder. You pull it with ... `require("creds"); use it as object w/ properties im your ./project/....js code(s), then you less likely publish it mistakingly. ;-) forgetting to edit the forum pasted source. See: http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13668­571/ - even though they do - logically - not belong there, as @opichals points out in http://forum.espruino.com/comments/14102­812/


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