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  • Hi @AntiCat, thank you for your response.

    I'd like to specifically use code like what you posted in #1 above, with the NFC vCard in more human readable format. I attempted to simply change the "NFCvCard" to "NFCTag", but hit the following error:

    ____                 _
    |  __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
    |  __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
    |____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
     2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams
    >Uncaught Error: Function "set" not found!
     at line 1 col 77
    in function "setData" called from line 1 col 15
    this.setData(a);var b=this;NRF.on("NFCrx",function(a){a&&b._...
    in function "c" called from line 1 col 8
    new c(a)
    in function "create" called from line 70 col 51

    If what I'm trying to do isn't possible - please let me know.

  • Mon 2019.10.21

    'I attempted to simply change the "NFCvCard" to "NFCTag" '
    'If what I'm trying to do isn't possible'

    Answers to the request would depend on where the substitution was made.

    Within the 'require' statement in post #9 example at:

    or a substitution within the class declaration in code file 'NFCvCard.js' from post #1 ?

    Without that detail, would have to be a pure guess.

    Please post your code so others can easily grasp a snapshot of the coding attempt direction.
