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  • Copying your code together this would be the code not working, right?

    wifi.on('connected',(details) => {
        var clearQueuePromise = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
          idClearQueue = setInterval(() => {
               idClearQueue = setInterval(() => {
                   --do http GET until successful---
        clearQueuePromise.then((resolve,reject) => { print('clear queue finished'); });

    And having the exact same promise definition "var clearQueuePromise =" outside of the "wifi.on('connected')" makes it work?

  • I didn't explore this too much but yes the above code is what I had originally tried. When running it I got some error (can't remember exactly) like "lost prompt" and then nothing.

    Having it outside fails to connect to the web site until the WiFi is connected but otherwise works.


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