Well, to answer my own question, it WAS a hardware problem. One resistor was missing next to the SIM connector. Found a high enough res picture on the net showing that the resistor should be there. Problem solved. Now having to use wrappers for every command is a bit annoying. I don't speak java script. Is there a simple script that would just take strings from the serial or BLT interface, forward verbatum to the module and show whatever comes back?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well, to answer my own question, it WAS a hardware problem. One resistor was missing next to the SIM connector. Found a high enough res picture on the net showing that the resistor should be there. Problem solved. Now having to use wrappers for every command is a bit annoying. I don't speak java script. Is there a simple script that would just take strings from the serial or BLT interface, forward verbatum to the module and show whatever comes back?