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  • Well technically you could just get $9.99 DS-D6 already for few months to have it ;-)
    But color one is better for most people I guess.

    However with extra 2 gpios availabe on usb pins DS-D6 is also good as a sort of sensor with battery. I am thinking about using one as a RTC, shutdown controller and small status display for raspberry pi (over serial). DS-D6 is simply a good and cheap Espruino nrf52 board with battery and small oled. BTW it lasts 16 days with bluetooth turned on with setWatch on touch button and serial RX pin.

    Anyway @Gordon to fill 1000pcs order it needs more than just ask here. Is kickstarter too 'heavy' for this? Or can Patreon somehow work similar to Kickstarter to get money for the order? or just counting likes on twitter on "who wants it' post may do it?

    BTW did you think how to solve 'support issue' when such Espruino Watch hangs for someone without any reset button available and without removable battery like Puck has (possible to reset puck)? I guess the only way is to instruct such person to let the battery die (can take weeks with good power saving) and check touch button in bootloader to offer clearing memory when it is attached to charger and it powers on from dead battery.

    Hmm, when thinking about it, perhaps with I6 HR C such recovery menu could pop up always when e.g. attaching to charger while both touch areas are held or something like this. If such hook was directy in espruino C code it could prevent bugs in javascript code.


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