OOOH! The code of wiflash is interesting indeed, but, alas doesn't help me.
Once I flash Espruino to this device, it will not create an access point until I connect to it via serial and enable Wifi, and since I can't connect to it via serial, it will, at that point, essentially be a brick.
read_flash, as @Gordon suggested as well, could possibly work. At the very least I could create a firmware that would at least enable AP and flash that. Then I could use the JS console from there to do anything else I needed. It's not ideal. But.. it's better than nothing.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
OOOH! The code of wiflash is interesting indeed, but, alas doesn't help me.
Once I flash Espruino to this device, it will not create an access point until I connect to it via serial and enable Wifi, and since I can't connect to it via serial, it will, at that point, essentially be a brick.
read_flash, as @Gordon suggested as well, could possibly work. At the very least I could create a firmware that would at least enable AP and flash that. Then I could use the JS console from there to do anything else I needed. It's not ideal. But.. it's better than nothing.