I was in need for a small MQTT module with Last Will support and builtin reconnect. I've created one for Node and a derived version for Espruino.
The code has been written from scratch after the OASIS 3.1.1 spec (without implementing stateful sessions, with some side glances at Paco-MQTT and Espruino MQTT). It is smaller than the existing MQTT module and very fast.
Is there an interest in having yet another one (file is attached)?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I was in need for a small MQTT module with Last Will support and builtin reconnect. I've created one for Node and a derived version for Espruino.
The code has been written from scratch after the OASIS 3.1.1 spec (without implementing stateful sessions, with some side glances at Paco-MQTT and Espruino MQTT). It is smaller than the existing MQTT module and very fast.
Is there an interest in having yet another one (file is attached)?
1 Attachment