Well your changes were a 'bit' cleaner than the ones I made last night! I downloaded your files and tested it, fully expecting it to work. However, the result is the same so the date isn't getting from fattime to the SD card. I'll explore today and see what I find.
THANKS for the FAST response! Excellent!
BTW, I also changed my board settings to include 3 SPI as supported by the nRF52832 (and as needed by my project board). The MDBT42Q has set only 1 SPI. I'm using more than one because, in the past, I've found that SD cards can get 'cranky' about sharing SPI bus and also, for route-ability on my board, it was easier to wire 3 independent SPI to the 4 SPI devices I have.
I'll let you know what I find on setting the date code.
Thanks again, Tom
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Well your changes were a 'bit' cleaner than the ones I made last night! I downloaded your files and tested it, fully expecting it to work. However, the result is the same so the date isn't getting from fattime to the SD card. I'll explore today and see what I find.
THANKS for the FAST response! Excellent!
BTW, I also changed my board settings to include 3 SPI as supported by the nRF52832 (and as needed by my project board). The MDBT42Q has set only 1 SPI. I'm using more than one because, in the past, I've found that SD cards can get 'cranky' about sharing SPI bus and also, for route-ability on my board, it was easier to wire 3 independent SPI to the 4 SPI devices I have.
I'll let you know what I find on setting the date code.
Thanks again, Tom