• I just tested something like http://www.reuk.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/selector-switch-resistor-ladder-adc.jpg, but:

    • 1: those resistor values don't get me "good" results for some reason when reading analog from A1
    • 2: I'm not sure wiring a transistor in series with a 10k resistor with Collector on +3.3V & Emitter on A0 'll effectively give me ( for correct resistor value for 1 ) sort of an 'analogWatch' via 2 pins ?

    I'm using the following code for my tests:

    // pin 0 has the digital watch on it - we may change the pinMode if needed
    pinMode(A0, "input_pulldown"); setWatch(function(e) { console.log('A0 pressed'); }, A0, { repeat:true, edge:'rising', debounce:100 });
    // first thing I tried ;)
    var N = 20;
    var voltage = 0;
    for (var i=0;i<N;i++) {
      voltage += analogRead(A1)*3.3/N;
    console.log('voltage: ' + voltage);
    // when reading, get the biggest val (mod from @MaBe's  "analogReadMedian()" )
    analogReadBiggest = function(p, sampleCount) {
      var i, median;
      var samples = Math.floor(sampleCount);
      var analogValues = new Array(samples);
      // read analog values into array
      i = samples;
      while(i--) analogValues[i] = analogRead(p);
      //sort array, smalest first and largest last
      analogValues.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;});
      return analogValues[analogValues.length-1]; // return biggest

    I guess I'll have to be more cautious on the length of the wires used between uC & the resistors to have something ~constant in this circuit, hoping the erroneous readings come from that ..

    ---- update ----
    My last try for today, unsuccessful :/

    // trying to get this 5-way switch from 5 pins down to 1 digital
    // ( for setWatch() ) & one analog ( to read the five different values through different resistors )
    // pin 0 has the digital watch on it
    pinMode(A0, "input_pulldown"); 
    setWatch(function(e) {
      console.log('A0 pressed');
      console.log('A1 biggest is: ' + analogReadBiggest(A1, 1000));
      console.log('A1 lowest is: ' + analogReadLowest(A1, 1000));
    }, A0, { repeat:true, edge:'rising', debounce:100 });
    pinMode(A1, "input"); // has external 10k pulldown resistor
    // pin A1 has a 10k pulldown & various pullup resistors depending on the "path travelled" for 5-way switch
    // to get the biggest val
    analogReadBiggest = function(p, sampleCount) {
      var i;
      var samples = Math.floor(sampleCount);
      var analogValues = new Array(samples);
      // read analog values into array
      i = samples;
      while(i--) analogValues[i] = analogRead(p);
      return analogValues.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;})[analogValues.length-1]; // return biggest
    analogReadLowest = function(p, sampleCount) {
      var i;
      var samples = Math.floor(sampleCount);
      var analogValues = new Array(samples);
      // read analog values into array
      i = samples;
      while(i--) analogValues[i] = analogRead(p);
      return analogValues.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;})[0]; // return lowest
    // for a 10k pulldown, we get the below ( erratic ) outputs
    // 1:
    // 10k & nothing  ( 500 readings using analogReadBiggest) -> 0.00537117570
    // 10k & nothing  ( 500 readings using analogReadLowest) ->  0.00512703135
    // 2:
    // 10k & 10k  ( 500 readings using analogReadBiggest)     -> 0.00537117570
    // 10k & 10k  ( 500 readings using analogReadLowest)     ->  0.00561532005
    // 3:
    // 10k & 2.2k ( 500 readings using analogReadBiggest)     -> 0.00512703135
    // 10k & 2.2k ( 500 readings using analogReadLowest)     ->  0.00512703135
    // 4:
    // 10k & 3.2k ( 500 readings using analogReadBiggest)     -> 0.00537117570
    // 10k & 3.2k ( 500 readings using analogReadLowest)     ->  0.00537117570
    // 5:
    // 10k & 5.7k ( 500 readings using analogReadBiggest)     -> 0.00512703135
    // 10k & 5.7k ( 500 readings using analogReadLowest)     ->  0.00512703135

    Hoping to have a clearer view of the troubles in the morning ;)


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