Powered from USB connector I measured:
Vbat-Gnd = 4.27V
Vbat_in - Gnd = 4.27V also
3.3 - Gnd = 3.28V to 3.29V also.
B0 is shorted by a solder bridge which I intend to use powering the pico from Vbat_in while powering my gps receiver from vbat controlled through the mosfet and b0 one day.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Powered from USB connector I measured:
Vbat-Gnd = 4.27V
Vbat_in - Gnd = 4.27V also
3.3 - Gnd = 3.28V to 3.29V also.
B0 is shorted by a solder bridge which I intend to use powering the pico from Vbat_in while powering my gps receiver from vbat controlled through the mosfet and b0 one day.
My pico came from Kickstarter campaign...