• Hi all, I have no idea how to get my PCA9685 to respond to any kind of input from my NODEMCU ESP-12E. I know both boards work as I've already tried with a program written in C.

    For now, all I'm trying to do is make a single servo move on channel 0, here is my code. You might notice its pretty much just the Adafruit library with a few modifications. Nothing seems to happen with the servo :/

    function I2CWRAPPER(address, _ref) {
        var device = _ref.device,
        debug = _ref.debug;
        var i2c = new I2C(address);
        i2c.setup({ scl: NodeMCU.D2, sda: NodeMCU.D1 });
        var readBytes = function readBytes(cmd, length) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                i2c.readFrom(cmd, length);
        var writeBytes = function writeBytes(cmd, buf) {
            if (!(buf instanceof Array)) {
                buf = [buf];
            if (debug) {
                console.log('cmd ' + cmd.toString(16) + ' values ' + buf);
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                i2c.writeTo(cmd, buf);
        return {
            readBytes: readBytes,
            writeBytes: writeBytes
    function sleep(seconds) {
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var t = setTimeout(function (x) {
                return resolve(seconds);
            }, seconds);
    function makePwmDriver(options) {
        // Registers/etc.
        var MODE1 = 0x00;
        var MODE2 = 0x01;
        var SUBADR1 = 0x02;
        var SUBADR2 = 0x03;
        var SUBADR3 = 0x04;
        var PRESCALE = 0xFE;
        var LED0_ON_L = 0x06;
        var LED0_ON_H = 0x07;
        var LED0_OFF_L = 0x08;
        var LED0_OFF_H = 0x09;
        var ALL_LED_ON_L = 0xFA;
        var ALL_LED_ON_H = 0xFB;
        var ALL_LED_OFF_L = 0xFC;
        var ALL_LED_OFF_H = 0xFD;
        // Bits:
        var RESTART = 0x80;
        var SLEEP = 0x10;
        var ALLCALL = 0x01;
        var INVRT = 0x10;
        var OUTDRV = 0x04;
        var defaults = {
            address: 0x40,
            device: '/dev/i2c-1',
            debug: false
        var _Object$assign = Object.assign({}, defaults, options),
            address = _Object$assign.address,
            device = _Object$assign.device,
            debug = _Object$assign.debug;
        var i2c = I2CWRAPPER(address, { device: device, debug: debug });
        var prescale = void 0;
        var init = function init() {
            if (debug) {
                console.log('device //{device}, adress:' + address + ', debug:' + debug);
                console.log('Reseting PCA9685, mode1: ' + MODE1);
            i2c.writeBytes(MODE2, OUTDRV);
            i2c.writeBytes(MODE1, ALLCALL);
        var setPWMFreq = function setPWMFreq(freq) {
            // "Sets the PWM frequency"
            var prescaleval = 25000000.0; // 25MHz
            prescaleval /= 4096.0; // 12-bit
            prescaleval /= freq;
            prescaleval -= 1.0;
            if (debug) {
                console.log('Setting PWM frequency to ' + freq + ' Hz');
                console.log('Estimated pre-scale: ' + prescaleval);
            prescale = Math.floor(prescaleval + 0.5);
            if (debug) {
                console.log('Final pre-scale: ' + prescale);
            return i2c.readBytes(MODE1, 1).then(function (data) {
                var oldmode = data[0];
                var newmode = oldmode & 0x7F | 0x10; // sleep
                if (debug) {
                    console.log('prescale ' + Math.floor(prescale) + ', newMode: newmode.toString(16)');
                i2c.writeBytes(MODE1, newmode); // go to sleep
                i2c.writeBytes(PRESCALE, Math.floor(prescale));
                i2c.writeBytes(MODE1, oldmode);
                (0, _sleep.usleep)(5000).then(function (x) {
                    return i2c.writeBytes(MODE1, oldmode | 0x80);
        // Sets a single PWM channel
        var setPWM = function setPWM(channel, on, off) {
            if (debug) {
                console.log('Setting PWM channel, channel: ' + channel + ', on : ' + on + ' off ' + off);
            i2c.writeBytes(LED0_ON_L + 4 * channel, on);
            i2c.writeBytes(LED0_ON_H + 4 * channel, on);
            i2c.writeBytes(LED0_OFF_L + 4 * channel, off);
            i2c.writeBytes(LED0_OFF_H + 4 * channel, off);
        var setAllPWM = function setAllPWM(on, off) {
            i2c.writeBytes(ALL_LED_ON_L, on & 0xFF);
            i2c.writeBytes(ALL_LED_ON_H, on >> 8);
            i2c.writeBytes(ALL_LED_OFF_L, off & 0xFF);
            i2c.writeBytes(ALL_LED_OFF_H, off >> 8);
        var stop = function stop() {
            return i2c.writeBytes(ALL_LED_OFF_H, 0x01);
        // actual init
        return {
            setPWM: setPWM,
            setAllPWM: setAllPWM,
            setPWMFreq: setPWMFreq,
            stop: stop
    setTimeout(() => {
       const pwm = makePwmDriver({ address: 0x40, device: '/dev/i2c-1', debug: false });
        const servo_min = 1000;
        const servo_max = 2000; 

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