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  • Just to let you know that I also received Lenovo HX06 and sadly it is not Nordic chip despite having exactly same firmware, app, manufacturer, SWD pins in FCC ID photos as DS-D6. It is Dialog DA14585 - ARM Cortex M0 with 96KB SRAM and SPI flash. So just beware and don't buy it if you prefer Nordic chip.

    Otherwise it is quite hackable, I dumped ROM and SRAM (app is mirrored from SPI flash into 96KB sram at power on or resume from deep sleep) over SWD, there is also serial port on USB data pins, I poked around in HW registers so can see how it is setup, there is datasheet and tools and support forum on Dialog site. However I am not sure how good it is target for Espruino with 96KB SRAM and non memory mapped SPI flash. Spi flash is good for storage but cannot be used for executing native code from it without some paging/overlays. So the core interpreter code should fit into e.g. 64KB and the rest must be loaded from flash storage and run in 32kb ram. Is any other architecture similar to this? I noticed there was some effort at minimizing RAM usage at the expense of (memory mapped, executable) flash however this somehow goes into opposite direction. Perhaps if native code is minimized and rest is javascript parsed from SPI flash into ram it could somehow work and be usable for smaller/medium stuff.

    And BTW the bluetooth LE stack is in directly mapped 120KB ROM - a bit similar to nordic soft device so it does not take SRAM for code.


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