Sending data from WebIDE to ESP32 is very slow. I compared WEBIDe with putty. In both cases baudrate is 115200. In WEBIDE Throttle Send is disabled.
Pasting about 5KB into putty takes less a second Pasting same into terminal window of WEBIDE takes more than 6 secs
Any idea, why we have this big difference in speed ?
@JumJum started
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Sending data from WebIDE to ESP32 is very slow.
I compared WEBIDe with putty.
In both cases baudrate is 115200. In WEBIDE Throttle Send is disabled.
Pasting about 5KB into putty takes less a second
Pasting same into terminal window of WEBIDE takes more than 6 secs
Any idea, why we have this big difference in speed ?