• @Gordon: Thanks for you quick reply. I was out-of-the-office for a bit, hence this delayed response.

    Per you request, I updated the espruino package to ver 0.1.14, and experienced mixed results.

    • GREAT: I can now require more than one module. Previously a rogue "d" was prefixed to the "Modules" reference generating the following run-time error. However this has been fixed with the 0.1.14 release ... I no longer receive this error:

      Uncaught ReferenceError: "dModules" is not defined
      at line 1 col 10
      dModules.addCached("TestMod3","print('expanding TestMod3.js...
    • PROBLEM: I still am not able to place an else clause on a second line when the code is expended in-line. Here is the run-time error:

      Uncaught SyntaxError: Got else expected EOF
      at line 2 col 1
      else {

    My full code can be found here:

    Here are some points of interest and/or questions:

    1. Why is it that I do not experience this problem with the IDE? I was under the impression that this was the same code.

    2. It appears to me that the "else on a subsequent line" is only a problem for code expanded in-line. I do not experience this issue when the code is contained in a function definition.

    Does this make sense?

    I can work around this issue by placing my in-line code in an IIFE:

       (function () {
         ... my in-line code here

    Evidently espruino does not have to do anything special in regard to cr/lf for code contained with function definitions.

    Would it make sense for espruino to wrap any code it is sending to the board in an IIFE, rather that attempting to identify/react to special cases like this?

    Your help is greatly appreciated.


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