• Since attaching a file didn't work for the image I tried to attach & I just finished testing basic stuff around on Espruino 1V50 firmware for stm32f3discovery, here I try again the attachement ( & post stm's test code here as well ;) )

    /* Espruino on STM32F3DISCOVERY
      R: connect 'USB ST-LINK' to update Espruino firmware using st-flash utility
      R: connect 'USB USER' only for using Espruino
      R: to 'refresh' the board, unplug/replug 'USB USER'
      Nb: currently has troubles when code is 'sent' from right side of IDE,
               even at 9600 bauds & with throttling ..
      //> Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover...
    function buttonWatcher(e) {
      console.log('Hello World Espruino STM32F3DISCOVERY !');
    function btnPressed(){
      var btnState = digitalRead(BTN1);
      if( btnState == 1 ){ console.log(e.time); }
    var btnPollT;
    //pinMode(BTN1, 'input'); // on A0 - same as below
    //pinMode(BTN1, 'input_pulldown'); // on press, digitalRead displays 1
    //setWatch(buttonWatcher, BTN1, {edge:"falling", repeat:true});
    // USB.setConsole(); to prevent 'Console Moved from Serial1' on boot ?
    // WARNING: Parent must be a proper object - not a String, Integer, etc. ?
    //E.on('init', function() { // didn't work
     // worked :)
    function onInit(){
      digitalWrite(LED2, 1); // blue led on
      console.log("Hello World!");
      digitalWrite(LED3, 1); // orange led on
      //setWatch(buttonWatcher, BTN1, {edge:"falling", repeat:true}); // nope
      //setWatch(buttonWatcher, BTN1, {edge:"rising", repeat:true}); // nope
      btnPollT = setTimeout(btnPressed, 1000); // btn polling - nope
      digitalWrite(LED4, 1); // green led on
      digitalWrite(LED1, 1); // red led on

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