• Hi all

    I'm trying to setup an serial connexion to the RN2483A to achieve an LoraWan test with TTN, like this exemple on Espruino site with no result. I've connect TX/RX from @DrAzzy plate to RN2384A TX/RX, power and try :

    var RN2483 = require("RN2483");
    Serial2.setup(9600, { tx:D17, rx:D16 });
    var lora = new RN2483(Serial2);

    and get this result:

    { "EUI": undefined, "VDD": NaN, "appEUI": undefined, "devEUI": undefined,
      "band": undefined, "dataRate": undefined, "rxDelay1": undefined, "rxDelay2": undefined, "rxFreq2_868": undefined }

    So I'm trying first to get some console.log from the Serial2 on this ESP32 MCU board .

    I wired GPIO16 and GPIO17 and try this :

    Serial2.setup(9600, { tx:D17, rx:D16 });
    Serial2.on('data', function(data) {
      console.log('Serial2: ', data);
    Serial2.print('/// Hello UART ///');

    Well... with no result too :(
    Does someone succeed in this project?


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