I have been doing tests to detect 12V voltages with my Espruino Wifi, using a voltage divider with resistors. Since today, as soon as I connect it, it gets very hot. Probably I've done something wrong and broke something inside. It works, but after a few seconds or minutes it resets.
I feed it with a 5V USB adapter, and I have tried another adapters. I have measured the consumption and it's around 350 mA, more than double the normal.
Could it be because I broke some internal component? Is there anything I can do to check or solve it? (apart from buying another, what I will do)
What can I do to avoid it next time? Could it have been through a pin, or through the power supply/GND?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I have been doing tests to detect 12V voltages with my Espruino Wifi, using a voltage divider with resistors. Since today, as soon as I connect it, it gets very hot. Probably I've done something wrong and broke something inside. It works, but after a few seconds or minutes it resets.
I feed it with a 5V USB adapter, and I have tried another adapters. I have measured the consumption and it's around 350 mA, more than double the normal.
Could it be because I broke some internal component? Is there anything I can do to check or solve it? (apart from buying another, what I will do)
What can I do to avoid it next time? Could it have been through a pin, or through the power supply/GND?
Many thanks!