• OK that was a good tip. There were a couple of strange things such as an "apt-get: command not found", which is normal on OS X, but I didn't see where this was coming from -- I could not find it in the build-idf.sh

    For the rest it compiled fine! I guess its because I had already installed alot of the requirements from this page when I built it last time:


    The weirdness I got was:

    WARNING: Toolchain version is not supported: 1.22.0-73-ge28a011
    Expected to see version: 1.22.0-80-g6c4433a
    Please check ESP-IDF setup instructions and update the toolchain, or proceed at your own risk.
    rm: app: No such file or directory
    rm: esp-idf: No such file or directory
    make: *** [app.tgz] Error 1
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/include/esp_app_trace.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/include/esp_app_trace_util.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/Config/Global.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/Config/SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/Config/SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/Sample/OS/SEGGER_SYSVIEW_FreeRTOS.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/SEGGER/SEGGER.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/SEGGER/SEGGER_RTT.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/SEGGER/SEGGER_SYSVIEW.h: Path contains '..'
    ../esp-idf/components//app_trace/sys_view/SEGGER/SEGGER_SYSVIEW_ConfDefaults.h: Path contains '..'

    pages and pages of that.

    Anyways so the results! Good and bad!

    Basically the build you made for me didn't work. I assume it had the auto detect frequency settings like you had said (and I saw this in the IDF config). It had the same problem as all the other builds.

    So now with my handy handy build-idf.sh script, I was able to compile it with the crystal set to 26MHZ -- and it worked! Wifi radio is fine, Bluetooth can find things easily. Baudrate is 115200 :P

    So thats good and bad, because its good for me, but not good for putting out one build for all crystal types. I have to run out now, but I will try a few different things later to see if I can find out why the autodetect didn't work. I can just try building it again with those settings actually, I didn't try it yet, just having used the one you offered me.

    I also have contacts here at Espressif (I'm based in Asia at the moment), and could try and ask them if I want to go deeper I guess.

    So for me -- great! Thank you so much.

    As for generally building the OS X version, I'll review the info on the on Espruino about building, and see if there is anything that should be changed. It would be ideal to run it on a "virgin" Mac, that hadn't had this stuff built on it before to see where it could go really wrong.
