• Hi guys,

    So I recently bought one of these very gorgeous and feature packed boards, based on their LoRa module (this one has no LoRa radio).


    It incorporates: a LiPo battery charger, USB interface, what appears to be a custom made OLED screen (128x64), which looks very cool (brighter and sharper than some I've used), its extremely compact for an ESP32 board...and finally...its WHITE(!).

    So long story short, I flashed it couldn't communicate with it. I would type something and get garbage back.

    rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
    mode:DIO, clock div:2
    entry 0x40078c4c
    ž›#$„|óBnàän΃oãäûooNrƒNNŒooŸlnî‚N“oâ|‚“‚œl’ƒ’`rlïoÿäŽp’`䛲’ìd ð䓒’ì’’첒äòû’’ì²’$`ðìÛòlb„"äŒB“`ðò“›²ò›Ûì2òû’’òó2ò’› ódœ|€c²Ÿä|óocp~’nd$Œ¾ãäbpƒbpc„lä|ì’äpƒoì’N|sdrl{"’ooNln|äl“ãoä“nò#r’œbìdû„ì¾BrNlo|ä’òN|›‚œl~ãoNüŒpãäƒoãŽìoœänܜänàp„óoà„‚slâNÜœNNà2oNn|ìl `ƒ‚žbìccãŽcÛNnocp~’ncNnà²œlrdü$~ócocBnbcNldBnc$$ll#lll# 

    I suspected a baud rate problem but none of the baud rates in the Web IDE worked. I eventually brought up ESPlorer which is a JAR file (can be found online), and had success connecting at 74880.

    After I had to go through the Espruino Web IDE code to figure out to change this line:

      function init() {
        Espruino.Core.Config.add("BAUD_RATE", {
          section : "Communications",
          name : "Baud Rate",
          description : "When connecting over serial, this is the baud rate that is used. 9600 is the default for Espruino",
          type : {9600:9600,14400:14400,19200:19200,28800:28800,38400:38400,57600:57600,74880:74880,115200:115200},
          defaultValue : 9600,

    ...and it works now.

    Connected to port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
    >*«PªV¡¡ET¡Q«UU«T¢Ô-«QR©š«Tš«ªRUJªªV¥Z¹j¡ªTÕJ¨R®J¢•®Ô5TªT©µUµ­Å-QBUª«j”ªªEJªR­Z¹QÊWÕ­Q(©uT«Z¹QJ-]ªZ‹,QRªR­Z¹QÚ¬R­Z¹QQT®UZª¦B)µ©…ªÕ­%µ(Õªª(¥©UVK%µ(Õªª(¥J©jZU•%µ(ՔTQeQRªÕTTªT‹,EÔYQ©UV+QYEj´«P±EÔYJ¥QüWARNING: has simple connection not implemented yet
     ____                 _
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    |____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
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     1v97.114 (c) 2018 G.Williams
    Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
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    I've flashed quite a few ESP32s (dozens?), and this is the first time I've come across this situation.

    I am curious how Espruino sets its console communications baud rate, and as we can see above when I had the wrong baud rate, the module would boot at 115200 baud, showing me power on information, then I assume switch to 74880 and produce garbage.

    Additionally this brings up the question of if we should add "custom" baud rates to the Web IDE console. I know the ESP32 can communicate at up to 921600.

    NOTE: This issue occurred through 1v97 to 1v99. I'm flashing to 1v97 here because of the neopixel problem in subsequent releases.

