No worries. Just a few minutes after I took the above photo, I started it in the boot-loader mode and then I could see the device as DfuTarg. I flashed it with latest firmware using nRF Toolbox. After that, it is now working properly.
I suppose its fine now. I'll continue working on it. I'll let you know if anything happens again. And thank you for offering a replacement.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
No worries. Just a few minutes after I took the above photo, I started it in the boot-loader mode and then I could see the device as
. I flashed it with latest firmware using nRF Toolbox. After that, it is now working properly.I suppose its fine now. I'll continue working on it. I'll let you know if anything happens again. And thank you for offering a replacement.