• #2
I think there are tasks pinned to core in main.c that you might need to change.
What is that you want to run in c on the other core? There might be another way of doing this.
• #3
Hi, I put only one new line to main function to create new task but it doesn't working. I tried same code in other IDF project and its working in both variant. With selected dual core in menuconfig and also working with one core mode in menuconfig.
ifdef RTOS queues_init(); tasks_init(); task_init(espruinoTask,"EspruinoTask",25000,5,0); task_init(uartTask,"ConsoleTask",2200,20,0); else // START NEW LINE ======================== xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&hello_task_core_1, "core1_task", 10000, NULL, 5, NULL, 1); // END NEW LINE ======================== xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&espruinoTask, "espruinoTask", 25000, NULL, 5, NULL, 0); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&uartTask,"uartTask",2200,NULL,20,NULL,0); endif
I want to drive 20x16 RGB LED display. The driving circuit its very similar like
Basically I need to transfer 8bytes each 31uS. ( 100Hz frame rate, 16 levels color deep and 20 channel = columns) summary I want transfer 8 byte 32000 times per second. And I think this is task for alone core. It working very good in separate IDF project with mJS library. Now I want achieve similar results with Espruino library. On core 0 I will prepare only 20x16x1B frame buffer to sharing with core 1.
Hello to every one,
I have special request.
I want to run Espruino firmware on ESP32 with dual core support. I would like to join critical time task in C to second core but first core to run Espruino JS interpreter.
My steps to build original Espruino FW:
and checkout to branch ESP32-v3.0.
source EspruinoBuildTools/esp32/build./build-idf.sh
and everythink is working properly.
I did full erase flash by
make erase_flash
But If I change in menuconfig > Component config > FreeRTOS > [ ] Run FreeRTOS only on first core
and build again ESP32 still resetting with this log output (VERBOSE mode output):
This is my output from make monitor from ~/EspruinoBuildTools/esp32/build/app. So you can see backtrack with function name instead of pointer address.
Does anybody know where should be problem?
Thanks a lot