I've a pretty large application consisting of 5 modules (loaded with require) and a main.
I've enabled "Save on Send" and set "Minification" as well as "Module Minification" to "Closure Simple".
The upload kind of succeeds but the execution fails with
>Uncaught InternalError: NRF ERROR 9
at line 1 col 7573
Further more the saved code is garbage:
// Code saved with E.setBootCode
If reduce my code size by deleting functions, everything turns back to normal.
Can this be fixed? I'm also happy with a solution where I upload the modules and the main separately.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I've a pretty large application consisting of 5 modules (loaded with require) and a main.
I've enabled "Save on Send" and set "Minification" as well as "Module Minification" to "Closure Simple".
The upload kind of succeeds but the execution fails with
Further more the saved code is garbage:
If reduce my code size by deleting functions, everything turns back to normal.
Can this be fixed? I'm also happy with a solution where I upload the modules and the main separately.