• Hi! I've tried to build ESP32 branch, and I have no success.
    First of all, I have found that 'source scripts/provision.sh ESP32' (as in docs) gets app and esp-idf from master branch of EspruinoBuildTools while code uses newer version already. I have corrected it to get ESP32 branch.
    Then I have got an error about unknown gcc option '-mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue'. After removing it from makefile (in any case I have no board with psram) I have all files compiled. But at linking stage I have got "undefined reference to `esp_ble_gap_set_security_param'" error.
    While I think the build will not work without the call, I have commented all calls of esp_ble_gap_set_security_param() to look for next stop. It is "cp: cannot stat '/home/serge/Projects/ESP32/Espruino/app/build/partitions_espruinoBLE.bin': No such file or directory"
    My build commands are:

    source scripts/provision.sh ESP32
    make clean && BOARD=ESP32 DEBUG=1 USE_BLUETOOTH=1 make

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