OK so I have my MEDBT42 bootloader up and running now. It loads new code in from another module via the serial port, saves to Storage and then eval.
What I started with was keeping a copy of the previous working copy also, but I found then on writing the second, new copy of code on eval the code was corrupt and would not run. The code size is 10.5kB.
I am also saving the bootloader code from the IDE using 'save on send' and I have also observed the bootloader code getting corrupted when saving both copies of main code.
I would not have thought that I am running out of space with my bootloader of 3k and 2x 10.5kb there would be a size issue that would cause the corruption ? Any thoughts ?
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OK so I have my MEDBT42 bootloader up and running now. It loads new code in from another module via the serial port, saves to Storage and then eval.
What I started with was keeping a copy of the previous working copy also, but I found then on writing the second, new copy of code on eval the code was corrupt and would not run. The code size is 10.5kB.
I am also saving the bootloader code from the IDE using 'save on send' and I have also observed the bootloader code getting corrupted when saving both copies of main code.
I would not have thought that I am running out of space with my bootloader of 3k and 2x 10.5kb there would be a size issue that would cause the corruption ? Any thoughts ?