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  • Hi all,

    I have played a little bit with Puck.js and now I want to make few custom boards with oLED, MBDT42Q etc. for my new home project. I need some guidance how can I port Espruino on to MDBDT420 as it is the same module used in Puck.js.

    I have J-link lite, nRFgo studio and have played around little bit with nrfjprog.exe and mergehex.

    I guess my main question is the zipped firmware listed on Espruino GitHub is a bin file whereas nrfGo sutdio wants hex file. Also, where can I get espruino bootloader and espruino hex file so I can merge them with mergehex and then flash the BLE module using J-link lite. I assume I can use softdevice 132 from Nordic website as that should be standard across nrf52 modules.




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