• #2
Do you mean in relation the espruino JavaScript interpreter or the esp8266 and esp32 in general? If the latter, try the espressif forums.
• #3
Yes I mean in JavaScript.
I for the most part have it working in arduino.What takes me an hour to code in js takes me a day or more to google and YouTube my way around C.
• #4
Can the wifi and ESP-now co-exist?
I'm not aware of anyone porting the library to the esp32 port.
• #5
Yes it can.
I have to slaves that listen on esp-now and resend the packet over Wi-Fi.You have to make sure esp-now is on the same channel as Wi-Fi.
When the masters scan for slaves they need to match the slaves channel.
Works well. I used espurino on a non Wi-Fi led project and its awesome. Wish I could do all my projects on it. But I went to the esp32 soly for esp-now and sensor touch.
Hello and thank you for your time.
Has anyone been able to get esp-now to work on the esp32 or esp8266
Thanks Tony