I tried your modified Web IDE, and of course something has changed.
And it it really faster.
Now it finds the Puck but still cannot connect.
When starting the Web IDE, console log looks like this:
We have chrome.serial - not using 'serialport' module
Disable Web Bluetooth as we have Winnus instead
serial_audio: Audio Sample rate : 48000
serial_audio: Audio Serial Baud 9600 Bit time 5
GET chrome.storage.sync = {"AUTO_SAVE_CODE":true,"BAUD_RATE":9600,"BLOCKLY_EXTENSIONS":"|bluetooth|robot|","BLOCKLY_LANGUAGE":"en","BLOCKLY_TO_JS":false,"BLUETOOTH_LOW_ENERGY":true,"BOARD_JSON_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/json","CODE":"var on = false;\nsetInterval(function() {\n on = !on;\n LED1.write(on);\n}, 500);","COMPILATION":true,"COMPILATION_URL":"http://www.espruino.com:32766","DISABLE_CODE_HINTS":false,"ENABLE_Testing":false,"ENV_ON_CONNECT":true,"FONT_SIZE":12,"MINIFICATION_DeadCode":true,"MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"","MINIFICATION_Literal":true,"MINIFICATION_Mangle":true,"MINIFICATION_Unreachable":true,"MINIFICATION_Unused":true,"MODULE_AS_FUNCTION":false,"MODULE_EXTENSIONS":".min.js|.js","MODULE_MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"ESPRIMA","MODULE_PROXY_ENABLED":false,"MODULE_PROXY_PORT":"","MODULE_PROXY_URL":"","MODULE_URL":"https://www.espruino.com/modules","OFFLINE_DATA":"","OFFLINE_DATA_DOWNLOAD":"","OFFLINE_DATA_UPLOAD":"","OFFLINE_ENABLED":false,"RESET_BEFORE_SEND":true,"SAVE_ON_SEND":0,"SERIAL_AUDIO":"0","SERIAL_TCPIP":"","SERIAL_THROTTLE_SEND":false,"SET_TIME_ON_WRITE":false,"SHOW_CODE_LINK_ICON":false,"SHOW_WEBCAM_ICON":0,"STORE_LINE_NUMBERS":true,"Sound_Error":"","Sound_Info":"","Sound_Success":"","Sound_Warning":"","Speak_Error":false,"Speak_Info":false,"Speak_Success":false,"Speak_Warning":false,"UI_MODE":"Normal","WEBCAM_CONSTRAINTS":0}
Initialising SettingsConsole
Initialising Utils
Initialising Config
Initialising Notifications
Initialising Status
Initialising App
Initialising File
Initialising Code
Initialising Serial
- Initialising Serial Chrome Serial
- Initialising Serial Chrome Socket
- Initialising Serial Noble Bluetooth LE
- Initialising Serial Windows Bluetooth LE
- Initialising Serial Web Audio
- Initialising Serial Web Bluetooth
Initialising Terminal
Initialising CodeWriter
Initialising Modules
Initialising Env
Initialising Flasher
Initialising EditorBlockly
Initialising EditorJavaScript
Initialising Send
Initialising MenuPortSelector
Initialising MenuSettings
Initialising MenuFlasher
Initialising SettingsAbout
Initialising SettingsFlasher
Initialising BoardJSON
Initialising VersionChecker
Initialising Compiler
Initialising Assembler
Initialising GetGitHub
Initialising SetTime
Loaded code from storage.
Noble: stateChange -> poweredOn
And clicking on connect field, it scans and offers the Puck.js for connection!
(It displays the MAC address as its name and in the second line (smaller) "Puck.js 3172".
But then ....
Noble: Starting scan
Web Bluetooth available, but Windows Web Bluetooth is broken in <=60 - not using it
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
Noble: Found UART device: Puck.js 3172 ff:cd:8a:a3:31:72
>>> Connecting...
Set Slow Write = true
Noble: Stopping scan (openSerial)
BT> Connecting
BT> ERROR Connecting
ERROR: Unable to open device (connectionInfo=undefined)
ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
>>> Connection Failed.
I also tried this with several firmware versions of the Puck.js.
I tried 1v95 (official), but also 1v94, 1v95.153 (latest) and 1v95.157, they all behaved the same.
Having WinUSB driver installed on PC all the time.
Thought I saw some similar problems in this form, but perhaps not exactly the same.
Maybe there is a solution now, somehow, probably its just a little change of whatsoever.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hi Gordon,
I really appreciate your efforts!
I tried your modified Web IDE, and of course something has changed.
And it it really faster.
Now it finds the Puck but still cannot connect.
When starting the Web IDE, console log looks like this:
And clicking on connect field, it scans and offers the Puck.js for connection!
(It displays the MAC address as its name and in the second line (smaller) "Puck.js 3172".
But then ....
I also tried this with several firmware versions of the Puck.js.
I tried 1v95 (official), but also 1v94, 1v95.153 (latest) and 1v95.157, they all behaved the same.
Having WinUSB driver installed on PC all the time.
Thought I saw some similar problems in this form, but perhaps not exactly the same.
Maybe there is a solution now, somehow, probably its just a little change of whatsoever.
Any more advice for me?
Best regards,