Mine run from Mac USB power. These and the NodeMCU have always been pretty reliable on USB power. Only when I've been using the 01 and 12 directly have I needed to use a capacitor and maybe supply power from a source other than the USB FTDI adapter. Are yours genuine D1s? You don't think you could have got a bad batch? The quality varies with the cheap boards and I've bought ESP8266 boards that don't do what they should before now (Wifi Node-M).
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Mine run from Mac USB power. These and the NodeMCU have always been pretty reliable on USB power. Only when I've been using the 01 and 12 directly have I needed to use a capacitor and maybe supply power from a source other than the USB FTDI adapter. Are yours genuine D1s? You don't think you could have got a bad batch? The quality varies with the cheap boards and I've bought ESP8266 boards that don't do what they should before now (Wifi Node-M).