Thanks - so it's just a matter of binary size? The key size seems awfully close to 512kb... I wonder if something else needs to be aware of the different flashmap?
Anyway, is RELEASE=1 not used for the version in the download package?
Towards the shortterm problem, do you happen to have a RELEASE=1 binary that you could share? I don't have an ESP8266 build environment set up, and I'd really like to take the new 1.95 features for a spin.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks - so it's just a matter of binary size? The key size seems awfully close to 512kb... I wonder if something else needs to be aware of the different flashmap?
Anyway, is RELEASE=1 not used for the version in the download package?
Towards the shortterm problem, do you happen to have a RELEASE=1 binary that you could share? I don't have an ESP8266 build environment set up, and I'd really like to take the new 1.95 features for a spin.