Looking at the datasheet, seems like I need to setup the expander's interrupt pin. How can I do that? Is it by writing via I2C? I'm afraid a lot of these hardware concepts is flying over my head :) Here's how I wire up the expander, espruino, and the matrix (omitting some details such as I2C pullup resistors, power, and gnd):
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Looking at the datasheet, seems like I need to setup the expander's interrupt pin. How can I do that? Is it by writing via I2C? I'm afraid a lot of these hardware concepts is flying over my head :) Here's how I wire up the expander, espruino, and the matrix (omitting some details such as I2C pullup resistors, power, and gnd):